Saturday, February 7, 2009

St. Louis Zoo

Allanah throwing a fit and being a Diva she was so tired!


The kids all wanted to get on this statue if you notice Allanah she is crying because she can not get on top!

Cameron just enjoying the ride.

All the kids looking different ways.

Michael and Haley

Allanah and Haley checking out animals

Wow what a group of kids!

They were so excited as we entered the zoo!

Look at Adam hiding behing the map.

Brenda corraling kids.

So we went to St. Louis today to the zoo. Tyler was at guard drill and I had to pick up the new van so Brenda went with me and we decided to hit the Zoo and target (and McDonald's three times) while we were out.... I got so many pictures and they were good. The temp outside at the zoo was 71 degrees that's awesome for February! We did not even get lost thanks to our friend tom tom! Ok enjoy the pictures! First I will post the kids and do a new post with animals they limit my pic space....

--Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

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