Friday, January 9, 2009

Movie Sadness and Dress Madness

Allanah Trying on her pretty new dress!

Allanah's dress on the hanger at home

Cameron's new potty seat, so so cute!

Adam was so mad, he wanted a big ice cream cone.

Allanah trying to convince Daddy to let her get the pretty dress, although Daddy argues she is too young to go to the prom ;)

Wow two updates in one day!!! So this evening we tried to take the kids to the moves and the theater was closed for renovations for the day, lot of people were showing up and very mad. The kids were so sad. Then we went to get Adam's DS games with his Christmas money and at the game store they were having a sale buy 2 get 1 free so we got used games: Cars, Finding Nemo, and Yoshi something or another. We got all 3 for 30 not a bad deal at all because at Wal-Mart one good game is 30. So we went to Wal-Mart and decided to get Cameron a potty chair its so cute I attached a picture. We also saw a rack of the prettiest dresses that had been 18 dollars for 4 dollars on clearance, so Lana got a beautiful one. Tyler said she is not going to the prom or anything and I said but its so pretty, then when she tried it on tonight he said ahh it is cute. Then after Wal-Mart on to McDonald's so the kids could get energy out, but they were so tired they were not thrilled about playing. I took a picture of Adam pouting for ice cream. We ended up leaving with him screaming and he screamed till we got off at our exit and got gas. We came home and everyone is finally settled and asleep, and Wendy and I are playing Guitar Hero fun fun!

--Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

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