Monday, March 3, 2014

Well Hello 2014!

Hey everyone!!!  Its been many years since I made a post on this blog.  As I was reading through some old posts today and looking at some old pics I realized I have to start blogging again if for no other reason it has to happen for the kids.  Allanah sat with me tonight and looked through old pics and was so excited to read everything that went along with every pic!  I was thrilled to remember those days as well.  The kids have grown so much now!  In the upcoming weeks I am going to talk about many things that hopefully will be helpful to everyone, but I am going to try to start realizing why each day is special and bring something good from the moments we are blessed with.  I will be talking about army life, deployment, medical issues, natural living, homeschooling, church, and many other things that you may or may not find exciting.  What do you want to read about?  Comment and let me know and I will do my best!  Goodnight!

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